The wonderful view


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Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Mengintip kepintaran bangsa yahudi

Udah lama nih gak nulis, rasanya kaku tangan ni. yah walaupun blog ini ga bagus-bagus amat setidaknya ada informasi yang dapat diserap dari sini, hehe. 
Yaudah langsung saja kita ke tkp nih

kalau anda membenci negara Vatikan, lalu anda mengumumkannya ke banyak orang, secara tidak langsung anda mengajak bermusuhan seluruh pemeluk agama Katolik. Karena disitulah pusatnya agama Katolik. Begitu pula kalau anda membenci negara Tibet, anda mengajak ribut pemeluk agama Budha. Karena di negara itu hampir seluruh warga negaranya memeluk agama Budha. Tapi kalau anda membenci dan mencaci maki negara Israel alias bangsa Yahudi, dijamin anda sependapat bahkan didukung oleh masyarakat dunia lainnya. Karena bangsa Yahudi memang pembuat onar dan demen amat dengan perbuatan menindas dan menganiaya. Herannya “ bangsa cuman secuil gitu doank kok gak ada yang bisa ngelarang dan ngeberantasinnya ya ??? “ 

Mana PBB dan seluruh organisasi kemanusiaan dunia ? Jawabannya Cuma satu kalimat saja : Karena bangsa Yahudi adalah salah satu bangsa yang menguasai dunia karena kecerdasan dan kelicikannya baik dari segi sains, bisnis, maupun teknologi.
 Mana ada yang berani coba ??? Saya tidak membahas dari segi liciknya bagaimana, tapi saya akan membahas dari segi Kenapa Orang-Orang Yahudi itu pintar sehingga bisa menguasai dunia ??!!! Dan yang PALING PENTING-nya : Bagaimana kita bisa menirunya ???!!! (seluruh bangsa Indonesia wajib baca artikel ini nich ) Sebelum anda baca artikel ini lebih lanjut….saya kasih tau nih ya artikel ini panjaaaaang dan butuh konsentrasi khusus. Jadi kalau lagi chatting sambil ngakak-ngakak, lagi facebukan untuk ngomentarin status-status teman, lagi download lagu dan film, atau lagi ngeliat-ngeliat gambar…. Plise………. STOP dulu !!! Baca artikel ini sampai selesai. Baru anda boleh melanjutkan kegiatan anda tadi. Oke ?? Oia sebelum benar-benar dimulai,artikel ini rampung setelah megumpulkan 4 sumber materi yang saya dapatkan : 

 1. Artikel Dr Stephen Carr Leon tentang Thesis Phd-nya yang dibuatnya menurut pengamatannya selama 8 tahun di Israel. 
2. Seminar Quantum Life Transformation yang saya ikuti dengan pembicara Adi W Gunawan. ( #1 The Re-Educator & Mind Navigator ). 
3. Buku di Gramedia yang menguak tentang kebusukan bangsa Yahudi.
4. Buku Born To Be Genius.
 5. Pembicara Ibu Roesmiati Soepandji di seminar QLT juga ( Ibu dari Jaksa Agung yang sekarang ; Hendarman Soepandji )

Okeh kita mulai !
Dr Stephen Carr Leon menghabiskan masa 3 tahun di Israel untuk menjalani housemanship di beberapa rumah sakit disana. Dirinya melihat ada beberapa hal yang menarik yang dapat ditarik sebagai bahan tesisnya, yaitu, “ Mengapa Yahudi Pintar? ”
Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan Desember 1980, Stephen sedang menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California, terlintas di benaknya, apa sebabnya Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa Tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini suatu kebetulan? Atau hasil usaha sendiri?
( pertanyaan yang sama dalam benak saya, kenapa setiap orang sukses tak lepas dari bangsa Yahudi lagi bangsa Yahudi lagi ! )
Maka Stephen tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd-nya. Dengan tekadnya yang bulat maka dimulailah pengamatannya itu. Masa Kehamilan sang ibu. Begitu wanita Israel yang mengetahui bahwa dirinya tengah mengandung anak, maka langsung sang ibu tersebut sering bernyanyi dan bermain piano dan juga membeli buku matematika. Bermain piano dan bernyanyi bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi suasana hati bawaan si bayi tersebut ketika lahir.
Dengan bernyanyi dan bermain piano,maka sang ibu akan merasakan ketenangan. Diharapkan sang bayi akan memiliki karakter bawaan yang tenang dan berfikir matang ketika menghadapi masalah hidup nantinya. Sedangkan mengerjakan soal matematika bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan otak bayi yang ada dalam kandungannya. Agar anak mereka terlahir dengan otak jenius. Dan para ibu Yahudi yang tengah mengandung, terus menerus mengerjakan soal matematika yang ada sampai tiba saat melahirkan. Kadang mereka mengerjakan bersama suaminya dan bertanya kepada saudara-saudaranya bila ada soal yang terasa sulit. Artinya…mereka tidak melatih kecerdasan otak anak mereka dari kecil, dari balita, dari umur 3 bulan, tapi dari sejak di dalam kandungan ! Sebuah perencanaan yang dalam sekali ! 

Cara makan : Sejak awal mengandung dia suka sekali memakan kacang badam dan korma bersama susu. Tengah hari makanan utamanya roti dan ikan tanpa kepala (sekali lagi, tanpa kepala!) bersama salad yang dicampur dengan badam dan berbagai jenis kacang-kacangan.
Menurut wanita Yahudi itu, daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merusak perkembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak didalam kandungan. Sama seperti kebiasaan orang Jepang yang jenius juga dalam kerajinan memakan daging ikan ) Ini adalah adat orang orang Yahudi ketika mengandung. Menjadi semacam kewajiban untuk ibu yang sedang mengandung mengonsumsi pil minyak ikan. Ketika diundang untuk makan malam bersama orang orang Yahudi.

 Begitu Stephen menceritakan, “Perhatian utama saya adalah menu mereka. Pada setiap undangan yang sama saya perhatikan, mereka gemar sekali memakan ikan (hanya isi atau fillet),” ungkapnya. Biasanya kalau sudah ada ikan, tidak ada daging. Ikan dan daging tidak ada bersama di satu meja. Menurut keluarga Yahudi, campuran daging dan ikan tak bagus dimakan bersama. Salad dan kacang, harus, terutama kacang badam. 

Prinsip : “ kalau sudah makan ikan, tidak boleh ada daging yang dimakan bersamaan “ ternyata sama dengan perinsip makannya Rasullullah S.A.W, manusia terjarang sakit sedunia ) Mereka juga akan makan buah-buahan dahulu sebelum hidangan utama. Jangan terperanjat jika Anda diundang ke rumah Yahudi Anda akan dihidangkan buah-buahan dahulu. Menurut mereka, dengan memakan hidangan kabohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu kemudian buah buahan, ini akan menyebabkan kita merasa ngantuk. 

Akibatnya lemah dan payah untuk memahami pelajaran di sekolah. Ternyata makan buah dahulu baru nasi, akan menyebabkan buah busuk. Karena proses pencernaan makanan di dalam perut kita itu memakan waktu yang lama. Sehingga akan membuat buah mengalami antrian yang panjang sampai akhirnya dia keburu busuk duluan. ( Pernah membiarkan apel yang sudah terkelupas khan ? lama-lama akan kuning dan bisa membusuk khan ? itu hanya didiamkan dan terkena udara loh…bagaimana kalau dicampur olahan makanan di dalam perut kita ? Sudah pasti busuk duluan sebelum dapat diproses. Jadi istilah “makan buah setelah makan nasi” sebagai pencuci mulut itu SALAH. Makan buah sebelum makan nasilah yang benar, bukan setelah makan nasi. Percuma. )
Anak-Anak Yahudi : Perhatian Stephen selanjutnya adalah mengunjungi anak-anak Yahudi. Mereka sangat memperhatikan makanan, makanan awal adalah buah buahan bersama kacang badam, diikuti dengan menelan pil minyak ikan (code oil lever). Kacang Badam = Kacang Almond, atau Buah Almond, mirip dengan Buah Persik dan Aprikot, hanya saja daging buahnya dibuang saat dipanen, sehingga hanya menyisakan bijinya, karena itu disebut sebagai kacang. Dalam pengamatan Stephen, anak-anak Yahudi sungguh cerdas. 

Rata-rata mereka memahami tiga bahasa: Hebrew, Arab dan Inggris. ( Ternyata mempelajari sesuatu yang baru itu menyeimbangkan kedua belah otak kita. Contohnya ya seperti mempelajari bahasa yang berbeda – beda ) Sejak kecil pula mereka telah dilatih bermain piano dan biola. Ini adalah suatu kewajiban. Menurut mereka bermain musik dan memahami not dapat meningkatkan IQ. Sudah tentu bakal menjadikan anak pintar. Ini menurut saintis Yahudi, hentakan musik dapat merangsang otak. Tak heran banyak pakar musik dari kaum Yahudi. Musik yang mereka dengarkan ya musik yang bisa menambahkan kecerdasan otak mereka. Yaitu musik yang lagak-lagak bethoven gitu deh. ( Ternyata sesuai dengan yang dikatakan Adi W Gunawan di buku Born To BE Genius )

Masa kanak-kanak : Seterusnya di kelas 1 hingga 6, anak anak Yahudi akan diajar matematika berbasis perniagaan. Pelajaran IPA sangat diutamakan. Di dalam pengamatan Stephen, “Perbandingan dengan anak anak di California, dalam tingkat IQ-nya bisa saya katakan 6 tahun kebelakang!” katanya. Segala pelajaran akan dengan mudah di tangkap oleh anak Yahudi. Selain dari pelajaran tadi, olahraga juga menjadi kewajiban bagi mereka. Olahraga yang diutamakan adalah memanah, menembak dan berlari. Menurut teman Yahudi-nya Stephen, memanah dan menembak dapat melatih otak fokus. Disamping itu menembak bagian dari persiapan untuk membela negara. Saya pernah membaca buku ( saya lupa judulnya ) yang mengatakan : kalau anak-anak yang jago dalam hal olahraga, biasanya mereka mempunyai kemampuan mengambil keputusan yang cepat, karena otak mereka terlatih bergerak cepat, terlepas dari bagus atau tidaknya prestasi mereka disekolah.

Sekolah Tinggi : Di sini murid-murid digojlok dengan pelajaran sains. Mereka didorong untuk menciptakan produk. Meski proyek mereka kadangkala kelihatannya lucu dan memboroskan, tetap diteliti dengan serius. Apalagi kalau yang diteliti itu berupa senjata, medis dan teknik. Ide itu akan dibawa ke jenjang lebih tinggi. Satu lagi yg diberi keutamaan ialah fakultas ekonomi. Dr Stephen Carr Leon sungguh terperanjat melihat mereka begitu agresif dan seriusnya mereka belajar ekonomi. Di akhir tahun diuniversitas, mahasiswa diharuskan mengerjakan proyek. Dam mereka harus mempraktekannya. Anda hanya akan lulus jika tim Anda (10 pelajar setiap kumpulan) dapat keuntungan sebanyak $US 1 juta! Anda terperanjat? Itulah kenyataannya. Entrpreneurship dan networking digelorakan.

Oh iya… Merokok bagi mereka adalah sesuatu yang tabu. Bila Anda diundang makan di rumah Yahudi, jangan sekali kali merokok. Tanpa sungkan mereka akan menyuruh Anda keluar dari rumah mereka. Menyuruh Anda merokok di luar rumah mereka. Menurut ilmuwan Israel, penelitian menunjukkan nikotin dapat merusakkan sel utama pada otak manusia dan akan melekat pada gen. Artinya, keturunan perokok bakal membawa generasi yang cacat otak ( bodoh). Suatu penemuan dari saintis gen dan DNA Israel. smoking-kills-gun-l Jadi merokok merupakan sesuatu yang kejam dan menjijikan bagi orang Israel ! Perbuatan terkutuk dan kejam bagi mereka mungkin. Karena bukan saja merusak gen untuk keturunannya, tapi juga merusak gen orang-orang yang ikut menghirupnya.
Hei bandingkan dengan Indonesia !!! Di jalanan, di angkot, di mall-mall, di warteg, di kampus, bahkan di beberapa TERAS MASJID yang pernah saya kunjungi. ( Aoa coba di tempat ibadah, malah ada perusak generasi bangsa, yang namanya rokok ) 

Kalau mau negeri ini berubah dan anak bangsa kita cerdas-cerdas, hilangkan rokok ! Jangan menyalahkan pemerintah dulu dech… para orang miskin jangan cuma bisa menuntut pemerintah banyak melakukan korupsi dech… Rokok dulu tuh hilangin ! ( Uang rokok mendingan buat beli beras ) Jadi mahasiswa jangan belagu ikutan demo-demo dech, kalau masih gelantungan di bis sambil ngebulin asap rokok ! Apalagi kalo masih anak sekolahan ! Para ustad-ustad di pesantren tolong dilepas tuh sorban, kalo masih ngebulin asap rokok ! ( ustad yang gak ngerokok jangan ngamuk ya…) Kalau anda perokok yang jadi tersinggung dengan bagian diatas, Silahkan Hack Blog ini, kalau anda bisa memberikan contoh bangsa yang sukses dan maju dengan disertai budaya merokok yang mewabah. Tidak bakalan ada. Okeyh… 

Mari kita bersama-sama simpulkan kenapa bangsa Yahudi bisa sangat amat sangat cerdas sehingga bisa menguasai dunia, baik dari segi kepintaran, teknologi, maupun perekonomian. 

1. Melahirkan anak dan keturunan yang cerdas adalah keharusan. Tentunya bukan perkara yang bisa diselesaikan semalaman. Perlu proses dan ketekunan dalam membina generasi penerus. ( kesimpulan Dr Stephen Carr Leon) 

2. Para orang tua bangsa Yahudi mengerti bahwa melatih anak menjadi cerdas, bukan saat anak mereka umur belasan tahun ataupun masih kecil, tapi saat anak mereka masih di dalam kandungan ! Mereka mengerti baik karakter dan kepintaran anak, tergantung dari aktivitas apa yang para ibu lakukan sewaktu mengandung anak tersebut. ( Ini kesimpulan saya dari perkataan Ibu Roesmiati Soepandji ) 

3. Mereka mengharamkan rokok!!! Oia sebagai tambahan saja. ini saya lampirkan daftar orang – orang dari bangsa Yahudi yang memenangkan berbagai nobel di berbagai ilmu di dunia ini. Supaya omongan saya tentang bangsa Yahudi itu pintar memang ada buktinya. :) [sociallocker] 

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Tugas Probabilitas dan Statistika

Plotting data dengan menggunakan python 3.3.2
Surya Andika
Kelas B



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

hondaMeans = (331986,382635)

ind = np.arange(2)
width = 0.1      
rects1 =, hondaMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='pink'))

yamahaMeans = (277686,206704)
rects2 =, yamahaMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='yellow'))

suzukiMeans = (47614,53337)
rects3 =, suzukiMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='yellow'))

kawasakiMeans = (8762,8553)
rects4 =, kawasakiMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='yellow'))

tvsMeans = (1016,2000)
rects5 =, tvsMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='yellow'))

kanzenMeans = (60,0)
rects6 =, kawasakiMeans, width,
                    error_kw=dict(elinewidth=5, ecolor='yellow'))

plt.title('Penjualan Motor bulan Januari pada tahun 2011-2012')
plt.xticks(ind+width, ('Januari 2011','Januari 2012') )

plt.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0],rects4[0], rects5[0], rects6[0]), ('Honda','Yamaha','Suzuki','Kawasaki','TVS','Kanzen') )

def autolabel(rects):
    for rect in rects:
        height = rect.get_height()
        plt.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/4., 1.01*height, '%d'%int(height),
                ha='left', va='bottom')



Selasa, 29 Januari 2013


Hi guys, here I will to tell you the film about “ RED ROCK WEST”. Happy reading :)

There is unemployed named was Michael. He came from Texas. He looking for a job then he went to his friend named Jimm. Jim worked at oil drilling company. After arrive there, Michael should filled job applications. Michael was rejected because in his applications, he has fucked-up leg. Michael very disappointed because he had drove 1,200 miles. Michael went to other place but on the way, the car run out of gas and he just had 5 dollar. Then he went to the gas station to fill his car. there, happed discussion between michael with owner of gas station. Owner of gas station suggest Michael went to the bar named red rock, because most of crew hang out there.

Michael went to the bar and met with the bar owner. His name was Wayne. Wayne think, Mike was Lyle from Dallas that Ordered to kill his wife, Suzanne. Michael always answer yes when was asked by Wayne. Without thinking, Mike took the money and went to the Suzzane’s Mess to kill her. But, after he met Suzanne, he cancel his intention to kill her. He said, he was Lyle who told her husband to kill her. Then Suzanne gave double money to Mike and ordered to kill her husband back.

After he took the money, he bought much thing and wrote the letter to the sheriff of Red rock. He will left Red rock. But on the way, he rammed a Man. Then he brough him to the hospital. Suddenly two police came soon and found bullets on man’s stomuch that brought by Mike. A few moment later, the head of sherriff came too. He was wayne. Mike confused and didn’t knew what should he do. Then, Wayne brought out Mike from hospital and Interogatted in the car. Wayne ask, why did Mike didn’t kill his wife. Mike tried to escape and he succesed and he met stranger. Mike request him to gave him a ride. The Tranger accept Him.

On the way, both of them chatting. From there was it known that michael was a soldier. In front of the bar, The stranger suggest to drank in the bar, Mike reject it because he should took his car. But the stranger force him. Both of them entered the bar, a few moment later, Mike heard that the sranger was lyle from dallas. Wayne had came and looking for Michael. Then Michael  tried escape. He climbed into the building and jumped into the truck and back to the wayne’s wife, Suzanne.

 In the house, Michael tell that he had lied to Suzanne. Suzzane almost didn’t believe what Michael. Michael ordered suzzane to packed clothes because Lyle was came. After they hit lyle,they leave the house and take a rest in hotel. In the morning, they went to the wayne’s office. They took all of money in the box under floor. Suddenly, wayne come back and entered the office. Both of them hidding in the cupboard. Wayne was arrested because he has try to kill his wife. After that, michael and suzzane out of their hidding but lyle came too. Then, Lyle hostage them.

Lyle brought out them to the place and Lyle burned that place then call the sheriff . after that, Lyle went back to the sheriff’s office and shoot the sheriff. He made agreement with Lyle about Lyle’s money. Then, Lyle Brought wayne, Suzzne, and michael to the tomb to took the money. There, happened shoot that made people call the sheriff. finally , Lyle was died and Suzzane get a bag of money from wayne. Michael run and jumped into the train. Suzzane followed him with a bag of money. But, in the train, suzzane tried to shoot michael but no bullet in the gun. Michael throw away the money and save some of money for him. Suzanne was threw away too by him. Police has came and the end.

Reference :

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013


AN OVERVIEW OF MADAGASCAR NASA satellite image of Africa. Madagascar is outlined in red. Madagascar is an island located off the eastern coast of southern Africa in the Indian Ocean. As the world's fourth largest island, Madagascar is a little larger than France but slightly smaller than Texas. Madagascar has been isolated from Africa for over 150 million years. For this reason, most of the plants and animals found on the island exist nowhere else on Earth. Because of its remoteness, Madagascar was not settled by humans until around 2.000 years ago. The Malagasy -- the name for the people of the island are descended from Indonesians who made their way across the Indian Ocean. Arabs and Africans arrived later and made important contributions to the unique cultural practices found on the island. After a period marked by the presence of pirates along the eastern coast, Madagascar was colonized by the French in the late 19th century. Madagascar won its independence in 1960 and today is a democratic state.
Madagascar Wildlife About 75% of Madagascar's species are endemic, meaning they live nowhere else in the world. The island is home to strange animals including lemurs (a group of primates), tenrecs (similar to spiny hedgehogs), brightly colored chameleons, the puma-like fossa, and a variety of other creatures. Sadly, due to habitat destruction and hunting, many of Madagascar's unique animals are today threatened with extinction. MADAGASCAR'S GEOGRAPHY________________________________________ NASA satellite image of Madagascar. A little larger than California, Madagascar is the world's fourth largest island after Greenland, New Guinea, and Borneo. With its location in the western Indian Ocean, Madagascar is about as far away from the west coast of the United States as one can get. Flying to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, from San Francisco covers about 11,000 miles or 17,700 km and takes a minimum of 23 hours of flight time. Madagascar can be divided into five geographical regions: the east coast, the Tsaratanana Massif in the north, the central highlands, the west coast, and the southwest. The central highlands run the length of the island and range from 2,600 to 5,800 feet (800 to 1,800 meters) in altitude. The Tsaratanana Massif region at the north end of the island has the highest mountain on the island. Madagascar is often called the "Great Red Island" because of its red soils, which are generally poor for agriculture. Madagascar also has some interesting limestone formations in the west and north. Known as tsingy, these formations result from years of rainfall, which causes the limestone base to erode. MADAGASCAR'S CLIMATE ________________________________________ A stream in the rainforest of Madagascar. Because of its geography, Madagascar's climate is highly variable. Generally, Madagascar has two seasons: a hot, rainy season from November to April and a cooler, dry season from May to October. The east coast is the wettest part of the country and thus home to the island's rainforests. This area is also hit periodically by devastating tropical storms and cyclones. The central highlands are considerably cooler and drier, and are the location of much of Madagascar's agriculture, especially rice. The west coast is home to dry deciduous forests. Deciduous trees lose all their leaves during the 6- to 8-month dry season. When rains return, these forests erupt in a sea of bright green leaves. The southwest of Madagascar has the island's driest climate. Parts of this area can be considered desert because so little rain falls. MADAGASCAR'S PEOPLE A Bara father with his daughter near Isalo, Madagascar. There is some debate over who first settled Madagascar. Some anthropologists believe it was first settled 2,000 years ago by Indonesians, not black Africans, and that mainland Africans did not arrive until a later date. Others suggest that the people of Madagascar descended from Indonesians and Africans who had mixed before their arrival on the isolated island. Regardless, most experts agree that Madagascar's inhabitants arrived relatively recently (there is no evidence of a stone age in Madagascar) and that subsequent migrations have brought other groups (like Arabs and Indians) into the mix. The mixed origins of the Malagasy (the name for the people of Madagascar) has produced an interesting set of cultures that draws from Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East. The Indonesian component of Malagasy culture is very evident in the language -- which is closely related to a dialect in Borneo, an island in Indonesia -- as well as systems of beliefs and the rice-based diet. Rice is the most popular food in Madagascar and many Malagasy eat rice at every meal. Beef is also a popular, although expensive, food. The zebu cattle in Madagascar have their origins in India, but reflect the African cultural influence on the people of Madagascar. Within the country, people's physical appearance, religious practices, and traditions are highly regional -- the strongest bond between the Malagasy is sharing a common language. Today there are more than 20 ethnic groups in Madagascar from the Indonesian-looking Merina people of the highlands to the African-looking Sakalava in western coastal areas to the Arabic Antaimoro on the eastern coast. Madagascar is a land of extraordinary cultural richness. It's a place where ancestors are as much a part of the present day as they are of the past; where in many areas taboo and tradition takes precedence over the law; and western-style religion is freely mixed with beliefs in sorcery and unparalleled funerary customs.Today Madagascar is home to around 18 million people. MADAGASCAR'S ECONOMY ________________________________________ Vanilla bean production process in Madagascar. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Madagascar is one of the world's poorest countries. The country's economy is based largely on agriculture, mining, fishing, and clothes production. One of Madagascar's best known products is vanilla, which comes from an orchid and is used for flavoring. Vanilla beans take a minimum of two years to grow so they are quite expensive. Despite relatively high vanilla prices, the average Malagasy makes around $1 US per day, while 70% of the Malagasy live below the world poverty line. Nearly half of Madagascar's children under five years of age are malnourished. Why is Madagascar so poor? There are a number of reasons. Under the past dictator, Didier Ratsiraka, the government was corrupt and stole much of the aid money given by other countries. Economic colonialism by the French meant the economy was closely tied to resource extraction (logging, mining, fishing), which often does not promote long-term economic growth since resources are depleted as they are removed. Lack of infrastructure, especially roads, makes it hard for farmers to get their products to markets, while Madagascar's geographic isolation from the rest of the world increases the cost of trade. Everything Madagascar produces or wants to buy from other countries must be shipped by airplane or boat. A weak education system makes it difficult for young Malagasy to find jobs outside the agricultural sector and very few people in Madagascar have access to technology or the Internet. Finally, damage to the environment has reduced the ability of Madagascar's farmers to produce large amounts of food. All these factors contribute to Madagascar's poverty. However, all is not lost. In 2005 Madagascar announced it had found large amounts of oil. Oil will probably be a key part of Madagascar's economic future along with mining, gemstone production (Madagascar has lots of sapphires), and tourism. There is hope that ecotourism, a form of tourism that minimizes impact on the environment, can help grow Madagascar's economy while protecting its natural areas and wildlife. MADAGASCAR WILDLIFE ________________________________________ Parson's chameleon in Madagascar. Madagascar has some of the highest biodiversity on the planet. Of roughly 200,000 known species found on Madagascar, about 150,000 are endemic -- meaning they exist nowhere else. Unique to the island are more than 50 types of lemurs, 99% of its frog species, and 36 genera of birds. Madagascar houses 100% of the world's lemurs, half of its chameleon species, and 6% of its frogs (though none of its toads). Some species found in Madagascar have their closest relatives not in Africa but in the South Pacific and South America. MADAGASCAR FLORA for Kids ________________________________________ Baobab trees in a rice paddy Madagascar is home to as many as 12,000 plant species -- 70-80% of which are endemic -- making it one of the most diverse floras on the planet. One of Madagascar's most famous plants is the baobab tree which looks like a tree growing upside down. Baobabs usually inhabit the drier parts of Madagascar. They have adapted to their environment by storing large amounts of water in their bulbous trunks ecosystem. Local Malagasy take advantage of this water reservoir when they are thirsty. Madagascar is also home to a totally unique ecosystem -- one that is found nowhere else on Earth. Found in the dry southwestern part of the island, the spiny forest is notable because virtually every species of plant is covered with sharp spines. While these plants look a bit like cactus, they are not related. About 95% of the species found in the Spiny Desert are endemic. Madagascar has nearly 1000 known species of orchids, of which 85% are endemic. One of Madagascar's plants is used as a cure for cancer. The rosy periwinkle has been used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma and childhood leukemia. MADAGASCAR'S ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS________________________________________ Aerial view of erosion in western Madagascar While Madagascar is known for its strange animals and beautiful forests, much of the country has suffered severe environmental damage. Many of the island's rainforests have been cut down while valuable topsoil important for growing crops disappears due to erosion. Because Madagascar is among the world's poorest countries, people's day-to-day survival is dependent upon natural resource use. Most Malagasy never have an option to become a doctor, computer programmer, factory worker, or secretary; they must live off the land that surrounds them, making use of whatever resources they can find. Their poverty costs the country and the world through the loss of the island's endemic biodiversity. Madagascar's major environmental problems include: 1. Deforestation and habitat destruction 2. Agricultural fires 3. Erosion and soil degradation 4. Overexplotation of living resources including hunting and over-collection of species from the wild 5. Introduction of alien species Deforestation in Madagascar is largely the result of three activities: slash-and-burn agriculture, logging, and the production of fuelwood and charcoal for cooking fires. Slash-and-burn agriculture Slash-and-burn agriculture, known locally as tavy is an important part of Malagasy culture and the Malagasy economy. Tavy is mostly used for converting tropical rainforests in Madagascar into rice fields. Typically an acre or two of forest is cut, burned, and then planted with rice. After a year or two of production the field is left unused for 4-6 years before the process is repeated. After 2-3 such cycles the soil is exhausted of nutrients and the land is likely colonized by scrub vegetation or grass. On slopes, the new vegetation is often insufficient to anchor soils, making erosion and landslides a problem. Tavy is the most expedient way for many Malagasy to provide for their families, and among people whose day- to-day subsistence is in question there is little concern for the long-term consequences of their actions. From their perspective, as long as there is more forest land freely available for clearing, you might as well use the land before a neighbor does. Tavy for rice also has spiritual and cultural ties that transcend the economic and nutritional value of rice as acrop

CAST • Nicolas Cage as Michael Williams • Dennis Hopper as Lyle from Dallas • Lara Flynn Boyle as Suzanne • J. T. Walsh as Wayne Brown/Kevin McCord • Dwight Yoakam as Truck Driver • Timothy Carhart as Deputy Matt Greytack • Robert Apel as Howard
PLOT Michael Williams (Nicolas Cage) is a drifter living out of his car after being discharged from the Marine Corps. A job on an oilfield falls through due to his unwillingness to conceal a war injury on his job application, so Michael wanders into rural Red Rock, Wyoming, looking for other work. A local bar owner named Wayne (J. T. Walsh) mistakes him for a hit man, "Lyle from Dallas," whom Wayne has hired to kill his wife. Wayne offers him a stack of cash--"half now, half later"--and Michael doesn't correct him, taking the money. Michael then visits Wayne's wife, Suzanne (Lara Flynn Boyle), and attempts to warn her that her life is in danger instead of killing her. She makes a tempting counteroffer to him. Michael, knowing that the longer he stays in town the more dangerous it is, tries to leave but with no success. The twists and turns in his attempts to leave Red Rock find him dodging bullets when "Lyle from Dallas" (Dennis Hopper) finally does show up. Michael knocks out Lyle, but complicates matters when he becomes romantically involved with Suzanne. The next morning, when Lyle comes to get money from Wayne, he kidnaps both Suzanne and Michael, gets Wayne out of jail, and finally ends up at the wrong end of a fight in a graveyard

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Application Letter

                                                                        Bandar Lampung, 02nd  November  2012

Attachment     : A file
Re                  : Application letter

Dear Manager of  PT PLN (persero)
Jl. Raden Gunawan II No 4 Rajabasa
Bandar Lampung


            In general daily on Lampung Post,
31th  October 2012 I read the job advertisements as Junior Engineer in PT PLN Persero. Based requirements specified in it, I can comply requirements. Therefore the undersigned I,
full name                     : Surya Andika
birth of date                : Ramsai, 02nd  June 1994
last education              : S1 Electrical Engineering of Lampung University
address                        : Griya Gedung Meneng Indah, Blok D.3 NO 7
phone numbers            : 085669936683
apply  for the position of junior engineer. As consideration, within this letter I attach :
1.         copies of the last education degree;
2.         single  copies of transcripts;
3.         single  copies dartar memoir;
4.         single copies KTP;
5.         two pieces of recent passport photo 4 X 6 cm;
6.         an English language course certificates.
7.         Statement of Unit and would be placed in the Work Area of PT PLN (Persero) in   Indonesia and was not involved drug abuse.
8.         Certificate of healthy and not color blind;
9.         Copy of certificate / birth certificate, legalized.
Thus the job application letter is submit. Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

Surya Andika

Senin, 12 November 2012

Basics of Wireless Networks

Improved mobile telephone service (IMTS) is the first commercially available radio and telephone system that was put into service in 1946. IMTS was quite unsophisticated, as there were no solid-state electronics available at that time. Although a tall transmitter tower was erected near the center of a metropolitan area, but the number of channel available didn’t come close to satisfying the demand. The solution to this problem was celullar radio. Metropolitan areas were divided into cells of no more than a few  miles in diameter,each cell operating on a set of frequencies (sending and receiving) that differed from the frequencies of the adjacent cells. Two important characteristics of cellular systems contribute to their usefulness, the first is their controlledhandoff, the second is systems were designed to locate particular subscribers by paging them in each of the cells.The initial transmission technology used between the vehicle and the cell site was analog in nature and known as advanced mobile phone system (AMPS): the analog scheme used was called frequency-division multiple access (FDMA). Digital transmission was later developed, resulting in time division multiple Access (TDMA).a few years later, a third group of companies (led by qualcom,inc) developed spread-spectrum technology called code-division access multiple (CDMA). Thus, there are at least four schemes that may be used for communications between a vehicle and the cell site. Communications between the cell site and the switch utilize transmission  media such as microwave, copper pairs,and fiber optics.


The first commercially available radio and telephone system was the Improved mobile telephone service (IMTS). This system was quite unsophisticated but the number of channels available didn’t come close to satisfying the demand. The solution to this problem was cellular radio. The initial transmission technology used between the vehicle and cell site was analog, known as AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System). The analog scheme used called FDMA ( frequency-division multiple access). And digital transmission was later developed was TDMA ( time-division multiple access). This selected known as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications). Then, the developed spread-spectrum technology called CDMA (code-division multiple access). The developed search was personal communications service (PSC) industry.